Thrilled to be included within this list- Thanks Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
Kult Kyss on the ABC "The Set"
Kult Kyss wearing my obscura masks and headpieces! Kult Kyss supporting The Presets played live on the ABC's newest music show "The Set" on the 7th of Novemeber.
Finialist in the 2019 World of Wearable Art Awards Show
Vocalist Annabelle Maginnis wears my bespoke design on the cover art for her latest release "Make it Last"
for more info... @annabellemaginnismusic Photo: @fannychuphotography @smilehighmusic Production: @rachandstuff
Currently on display in the National WOW Museum in Nelson. New Zealand. An exhibition of wearable art pieces from the 2019 World of WearableArt Awards Show.
Thrilled to have some of my hand-drawn 3D extruded fashion lingerie pieces on display during New York Fashion Week within the Fashion Tech Week NY event. Some of my wearables on display during @fashiontechweekny 6th-13th September! Location- National Geographic Encounter Ocean Odyssey 226 West 44th Street/Times Square, New York, NY 10036. TechMODO partnering with National Geographic to promote sustainability, body positivity, and fair trade within the fashion community.
2018 Fashion Tech Week NY
My stingray inspired gold hand-drawn 3D extruded dress on display during New York Fashion Week within the Fashion Tech Week NY Event. Model: @veronicaminci
Amazing captures with Leslie Liu Photography
Thrilled to be working with Leslie Liu photography: @leslieliuphoto Model: @simonaroller HMUA & decals: @courtneyhudsonmua
Coral Cluster
Currently on display in the National WOW Museum in Nelson. New Zealand. An exhibition of wearable art pieces from the 2018 World of WearableArt Awards Show.
2017 National Australian themed costume designer
The 2017 Miss Multiverse National Australian Thememd Costume, worn by our @missmultiverseAU finalist @gabrielle.keaton Photo: @studio49sydney HMUA: @iouliamakeupartist
Fashion photography
Thrilled to be working with Photographer Adrian Forster from @sky_witness
Model: @monikaaky HMUA: @jessicamaymua
New media with the Huxley School of MakeUp
New digital works, new wearable art pieces, new HMUA stylings in new media with the @huxleyschoolofmakeup
more about me
photo: erica gray with moel @bellalouch Come visit my artist pagehere : )